You may be a small business owner, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a website. In fact, it's more important than ever that your company is well-represented online.

Your website isn't just a place to showcase your products and services—it's also an opportunity to connect with potential customers in a way that feels natural and personal.

Even if you're not tech savvy yourself, here are some basic elements that every small business website should have:

Clear & Engaging Homepage

The homepage is the first thing that people see when they visit your website. It's important to make sure that it's clear and engaging, so they can easily navigate through the rest of your site.

The ideal homepage has:

  • A clear call-to-action (CTA). The CTA should be visible right away, with an explanation of what it does and why visitors should click on it. For example, if someone wants to learn more about your business or find out how you can help them solve their problem, then make sure there's an obvious link leading directly there!
  • Easy navigation--you don't want people getting lost in a maze of links before finding what they came for!

Contact Information

One of the most important elements every small business website must have is contact information. Contacting a business can be difficult, especially for customers who are not familiar with the company or industry, so it's essential that you make it as easy as possible for them to do so.

This means ensuring that all pages of your website have consistent contact details and clear call-to-action buttons that lead visitors straight through to forms where they can submit their inquiries or comments.

Informative About Us Page

Small Business Website

Your About Us page is another important thing visitors see when they land on any small business website. It's important to have one, because it gives them an idea of who you are and what you do, as well as how long you've been in business, who works at your company and any other relevant information.

The best way to create an About Us page is by answering these questions:

  • What are the benefits of working with us?
  • Who are we as a company? (What makes us unique)
  • How long have we been in business?

If there are any interesting facts about yourself or your company that could be useful for potential customers, include those too!

Product/Service Showcase

Your product/service showcase is one of the most important places on your small business website, because it's here that you can show potential customers why they should buy from you. This section should include:

  • A list of all your products and services, along with brief descriptions and price points for each item.
  • An explanation of what makes your business unique, such as awards or accolades that demonstrate expertise in a particular field or industry (e.g., "Best Small Business in Chicago").
  • Customer reviews from previous clients who have used your offerings successfully (and maybe even some testimonials from those who didn't), so potential customers can see what others think about using whatever it is that you're selling!

Mobile Responsive Design

Mobile responsive design is an essential element of any small business website. This means that your site will look good on a phone, tablet or any other device that people use to browse the web.

You can test your site on a phone by going to

If you're not sure how to make your current website mobile friendly, we recommend hiring someone who knows what they're doing--a web designer or programmer who has experience with creating websites for small businesses should be able to help out!

Social Media Integration

Social media is a powerful tool for small businesses. It's a way to connect with customers, share content and information, and keep up-to-date on industry news.

If you don't have social media integrated into your website, then it's worth considering doing so--and if you already have this feature on your site but aren't seeing any results from it (or even worse: getting negative feedback), then it might be time for an overhaul.

There are several ways in which social media can be integrated into a small business website:

  • A dedicated "Follow Us" page where visitors can sign up for updates via email or other messaging platforms (like Facebook Messenger).
  • An opt-in box that appears when someone visits another page of interest (such as "Contact Us"). This allows visitors who may not know about the existence of these channels yet still want information about products/services offered by the business without giving out their contact details right away."

Final Thoughts

A good website is a valuable asset for any business, regardless of its size or industry. It's an excellent way to promote your products or services, build brand awareness and capture new leads.